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For Ethan Ly RYLA was emotional and inspiring

Craig Hall
May 25, 2022
Ethan LY and Jackson ,both Interactors from Valencia high school shared their experiences at RYLA. The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards was live this year after last year's experiment in virtual camp.
May 25, 2022
Rotary Club of Placentia
Weekly Meeting
In attendance for the weekly meeting at Alta Vista CC: Maverick Glenn Kathi Dottie Craig Elizabeth Paul Andrea Jim Ward Nate Hugh JoAnne Ron Debye
ZOOM – Lisa
Guests: Ethan & Jackson (RYLA) Kathy (City of Placentia)
We kicked things off at 7:00 am with the pledge from Craig and words of inspiration from Hugh.
Chief Butts & Veterans group re-flame at Veterans monument Monday May 30th 10am
Attended ICSC in Las Vegas last weekend. Developers and builders’ convention to discuss new developments
May 30th Need help setting up Orange Fencing for LOT 318 event at Gomez Center that day 8:30am, and then take down at 5pm. We Need help!!!
Rotary Recognition for Polio Plus and 100% giving by the club. Congrats to Ward for all his work and donations.
1st Responders Breakfast was a great time last week
Wine Down Wed 5-7 Broken Timbers
Lunch Mob next Wed the Sushi restaurant n Santa Fe
Aug 11 Taste of Placentia
Flagpole is up and dedication next Monday 10am morning.
Reception is set
Parking may be limited, Holiday so parking at bank available
Collecting Gift Cards for Treasure Chest
Rotary Pins
Everyone $1
Ward Birthday $100 to Paul Harris
Kathi Sons Birthday last week Flagpole success recipient of pin from Rotary Paris $20
Andrea $30 Fiancé Birthday
Hugh $10 for Flagpole crew and Jim’s leadership
Ron $20 for his return from Europe
JoAnne $20 Library Board ejection is complete of ineffective member
Elizabeth $25 Saturday went to 100th anniversary at Tustin Rotary Club.
Elizabeth $50 for Norway and Scotland
Maverick $10 Final are over
Paul $5 for Granddaughter Birthday and $5 for visit of Aunt and Uncle
Debye $5 Daughter Graduated $5 for new grandson who walked graduation with Mom
Lisa $10 for flagpole and 2 days of school left and going to Hawaii
PROGRAM Andrea and the RYLA reps Ethan & Jackson
Was a counselor this year at RYLA, last year it was all online ERYLA this year in person
Trailblazer teams met once a month starting in September
Went to retreat in Feb where we all bounded preparing for RYLA
3 days of RYLA with campers and activities
Leader in You was the program (new this year)
Favorite activity the Log Exercise (must organize team on a log without falling)
Day 3 ended with a Bon Fire and self-reflection (What RYLA means to me)
Closing ceremony was emotional and inspiring
Received first Mike Darnell award. Congratulations
Did not know what it was when asked by a teacher
It was an amazing leadership training
Reminded me of the importance of group-based leadership
Learned more about myself especially with the Log activity
I am now motivated to start an impact club at El Dorado HS
Thank you for the opportunity, had a great time and met some many people
Great Job Ethan and Jackson and all the rest who cannot be with us this morning
4 WAY TEST – Craig